Family Law
We provide honest, cost-effective and professional family law advice and services. We understand that separation is a difficult time, but we can guide you when you make a vital post-separation decision concerning property and children's issues.
In a significant number of Family Court cases, parties "go it alone" primarily because of costs barrier, yet they recognise the need for effective legal representation. We offer family law legal services at a fixed fee that mitigates costs escalation when working with a lawyer. In other words, you retain a lawyer on an "unbundled" scoped-out basis and are billed for a fixed fee even though the lawyer may need to spend a considerable time to engage with you. You can also retain us to handle specific tasks from the parts you are unable or unwilling to do yourself, as opposed to a general retainer where a lawyer manages the entire case start to finish. Please speak with our lawyers.
Binding financial agreements
Child support and spousal maintenance agreements
Divorce and separation under the one roof
De facto and same-sex relationship breakdown
Informal conciliation and mediation
Enforcement of Family Court orders
Property settlement