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Commercial Matters

You can use various commercial platforms - a com­pa­ny, a unit trust, a dis­cre­tionary trust, a joint ven­ture, or a part­ner­ship – to conduct businesses. We assist and advise you on the struc­ture and attend to documentation, registration, and implementation with your interests at heart.


We advise you when you establish a new business venture or engage with another party in a specific project. We craft appro­pri­ate documents to safeguard your assets and interests and negotiate the best outcome to put in place a functional busi­ness rela­tion­ship between you and your partners. What happens if it does not work out to be the way envisaged? Your partner is separating from the spouse or died? How do capital contributions be arranged and expens­es and outlays controlled? What are the appropriate mechanics to resolve dis­putes between busi­ness partners?


Maintaining an operational business is as vital as how setting up its structure. You can retain us to conduct on-going legal, due diligence on any aspect of the operation. Acquiring new capital assets or hiring new employees, putting in place internal safety and health regulations or by-laws, and identifying your intangible business assets such as your design and copyright, are just among the few to mention.


  • Advice on invest­ment in real estate, retail, tech­nol­o­gy, and project businesses

  • Incorporation and formation of new legal entities

  • Busi­ness take over and merger

  • Disposing and acquiring stakes in existing businesses

  • Conducting legal due diligence

  • Surveillance for asset protection

  • Shareholder, part­ner­ship, unitholders and joint venture agreements

  • Subscription of new shares by investors

  • Con­sul­tan­cy, dis­trib­u­tor­ship, ser­vice and agency agreements

  • Employ­ment & industrial relations advice

  • Intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty protection and licensing

  • Adver­tis­ing, naming, spon­sor­ship, and mar­ket­ing rights

  • Fran­chise arrangement  

  • Consumer law and Trade Prac­tices Act advice

  • Share­hold­er agreements

  • Retail and commercial leases & dispute


Canning Vale Serviced Offices

Unit 15-16/64-66

Bannister Road, Canning Vale WA 6155

Postal : P.O Box 5213 Canning Vale South WA 6155

Tel. +61  8 9467 2271 

Fax +61 8 6140 6623

Mobile: 0406 816 944

For any general inquiries, please fill in the following contact form:

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